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Recommended Resources for All Things Startups & VCs

  1. For Coloured Girls Who Tech: A weekly newsletter for Black and Brown women highlighting entrepreneurship and venture capital in the tech ecosystem

  2. Femstreet: Where women in tech lead, shape and fund the future

  3. OpenVC: Free and open-source list VC firms sorted by investment criteria

  4. YC Startup School: a free online program and global community of founders 

  5. Antler Launch Academy: curated resource library and global community of founders to grow your startup

  6. Videos from Slidebean: weekly videos covering topics like how to start a business, stock options, raising funds, managing a team, among others 

  7. Venture Deals: a must-have resource for any entrepreneur, venture capitalist, or lawyer involved in VC deals as well as students and instructors in related areas of study 

  8. Startup Knowledge Hub on Facebook: a group for high quality information on startups for founders and investors, from the Bangladesh perspective