The Bangladesh Women Investors’ Network (BWIN), started as a sister chapter of Bangladesh Angels Network (BAN), is the pioneering network of women business angels in the country. We are industry agnostic and invest in the pre-seed, seed, and seed+ stages.

Why We Exist

  • In 2020, globally only 9% of all funds deployed to technology startups went to founding teams that included at least one woman. Solo woman founders and all-women teams raised just 2% of all VC dollars, according to Tech Crunch.
  • Venture capital targeting women-owned businesses is virtually nonexistent in South Asia, including Bangladesh, according to a 2018 report by the Asian Development Bank and the Asia Foundation.
  • There is a business case for supporting and investing in more women-led startups; research shows that investment in women-founded startups performs 63% better than exclusively male-founded startups.
  • Bangladesh bottom-ranked among 58 economies in the MasterCard Index of Women Entrepreneurs (MIWE) 2020, meaning it is one of the toughest places for women entrepreneurs

The Bottom Line

There is a business case to having more women founders and women investors within an ecosystem and applying a gender-lens approach to investment decisions. When women become business angels they invest in sectors that have often been overlooked by male business angels, and they tend to invest in women-led ventures. The result? A more diverse equity investor pool that helps to ensure great ideas get the funding they deserve.

Our Approach

With an aim to fill the early-stage financing gap and provide advisory support to women-led and women-focused startups, the network engages in multiple activities towards this end. Our members include a blend of individual investors, family offices, corporate and global investors. The network looks to invest in deals between the range of $50,000 to $250,000 across all sectors. In addition to funding, the network will also provide high-quality mentoring and access to networks and strategic support to its portfolio and pipeline companies.


Invest in some of the most promising enterprises in Bangladesh and get in at the ground floor of their growth

  • Access to highly curated deal-flow across sector

  • Invest alongside industry leaders

  • Post investment portfolio monitoring support

  • Curated curriculum to master the black box of startup investing and other asset classes


We help women-led and women-focused startups & rising enterprises accelerate their growth with our decades of experience

  • Customized pre-investment support before you pitch to investors

  • Connect to local & global investors

  • Mentorship and market development


Meet The Team

  • Tina Jabeen

    Former CEO & Founding Managing Director, Startup Bangladesh

    Board Member, BWIN


  • Anita Ghazi Rahman Islam

    Board Member, BWIN

    Founder & Managing Partner, The Legal Circle

    LinkedIn | Twitter

  • Farzana Kashfi

    Board Member, BWIN

    Member of Governing Body, BYLC


  • Sharawwat Islam, CFA

    Board Member, BWIN

    Managing Director, Truvalu Bangladesh


  • Nirjhor Rahman

    CEO, Bangladesh Angels

    LinkedIn | Twitter

Expanded Programs for the Wider Ecosystem

  • A 6-week fellowship program for young women, designed to be a “talent accelerator” for preparation for roles in the startup sector to create the next generation of #WomenStartupLeaders

    Applications opening soon. Stay tuned!

  • A monthly series of webinars with inspiring women in startup leadership roles and the venture capital industry across the globe.

  • A commitment by BWIN and BAN investment advisory team members and the network members to spend over 150 hours, per year, for one-on-one office hours sessions with women founders on top of mind business issues.

Why Invest In Women Founders, Why Do We Need More Women Investors, And Why Now?

Hear from members of the governing board, our partners and network members as they explain the reason for the launch of the network and how it can help innovators and investors in Bangladesh.


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